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I believe that issues related to oppression are everyone's concern, not just the concern of those who are targets of the oppression.​ All humans deserve access to high quality, affirming, supportive mental health care from providers who are culturally humble and allow people to tell their own stories and for people to listen. I want to listen to my clients' stories and help my clients feel heard and acknowledged.
I acknowledge the privileges that I carry being a white, cis, fem-presenting, woman who obtained higher education and sits in a place of power as a therapist opposite my clients. I try to ask permission before offering any advice or feedback. I don't want to make assumptions, and I want to offer a safe space where my clients can be themselves. Making mistakes is part of the learning process and practice of allyship. I am committed to centering the person who may be impacted by my privilege and apologizing for any mistakes.
I am deeply saddened by the countless examples of racist police brutality directed at Black people. I unequivocally support protesters across the country who are calling for police reform, justice, and bringing attention to the fact that Black Lives Matter. I advocate for community leaders to improve access to mental health care for Black people, as well as all communities facing healthcare disparities based on race, gender, sexuality, income, education, employment, religion, affiliation, and appearance. It's important to pay attention to strengths right now. The following Black people are some of social work's important advocates from history. Their legacy has contributed to the social work profession in so many positive ways. Mary Church Terrell (1863-1954); George Edmund Haynes (1880-1960); Thyra J. Edwards (1897-1953); Lester Blackwell Granger (1896-1976); Dorthy Height (1912 - 2010).
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